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QCI Java Utilities

This is the homepage for QCI Java Utilities Library, a Java utility library oriented toward server or batch process developers being produced by QLUE Consulting, Inc. This project is being hosted by SourceForge. Most of what you will need to know about this project is available from the SourceForge Project Summary Page. This document tree mainly contains overview information and recent copies of API documentation.

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The "Documentation" tab on the SourceForge page is mainly used for small, standalone notes or memos. It is not well suited to organizing large document trees and is hard to update from scripts. Large document trees and important, frequently changed documents are kept here. This includes subproject overviews and API documentation.

Project Overviews/READMEs

This are the overview README files for the various subprojects. These documents are also included in CVS and in the source distribution for the project.

API JavaDoc

CVS Organization

This section describes the organization of the top level directories in the CVS repository.

The current JUtils 1.x source tree
The obsolete JUTils 0.90.x source tree
The QCI Java/SQL utilities library source tree